Our Future
In 2013 the Trustees of Stratford Green and the Guilford Association Board of Managers determined that a long-range (20-30-year) Master Plan should be prepared for Sherwood Gardens. The objective of the plan is to provide the guidance for the maintenance and sustainability of the Gardens into the future retaining both tulips and summer flowers and to protect the great Olmsted and Sherwood legacies in the Garden design.
The Master Plan was prepared by Beechbrook Landscape Architecture. The preparation involved research and analysis of the site history and the Olmsted and Sherwood plans and changes that have occurred over the years. This review provided a basis for considering the design objectives of the plan.
In the Master Plan presentation, Beechbrook summarizes the plan as follows: “The long-range Master Plan for Sherwood Gardens returns the Gardens to their former glory and accommodates continued neighborhood visitation and use. From the 1960’s through the late 1970’s, portions of the Gardens were tweaked and modified away from the original design and influence. During these years new beds were introduced into what had been historically open areas, while older beds were reduced in size and fragmented. From the 1970’s up to recent years, new trees and shrubs were also added into what had been historically open areas and open gateway beds. The result of these transformations is a garden that has become cluttered, fragmented, and in-cohesive. Historic, open vistas into the Gardens have become compromised due to increased plantings in open areas, and if unchecked these vistas would continue to vanish. The long-range Master Plan de-clutters the Garden thereby opening back up the historic vistas and creating the large open lawn rooms of former years that are formed by redefined and reconnected beds. The redefined bed shapes are grounded and influenced by the historic Sherwood bed shapes and by the Olmsted Brothers plan for Stratford Green (a good chunk of the present day Sherwood Gardens).”
View the Master Plan at: http://beechbrookla.com/portfolios/sherwood-gardens/
Download a pdf version of the Master Plan at: http://guilfordassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/2013-11-11_SD_Sherwood%20Master%20Plan%201.pdf
*Please note this is a large .pdf file (approx 130MB) and may take extra time to load/download.